Friday, May 29, 2009

Ben & Belinda Scott

Ben and Bel married in the grounds of Bunbury High School and had a great reception in a marquee on the Scott family farm, amongst a grove of trees.

This wedding marked the debut of my new camera, a Sony HVR Z5. I had a friend, a totally unskilled camera-person, test drive it on full autopilot while I used my trusty JVC HD111. I used the Sony briefly during some of the photo shoot but almost all of the highlights shots are from the JVC.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shane & Carlie Morphew

As it was Australia Day Weekend, Shane & Carlie had their wedding on the beach at Meelup, followed by a very relaxed party afterward at a lovely property nearby.
The highlights is fun and casual, reflecting the vibe of the day.

In Carlie's own words:
"The DVD is great and it was nice to be able to see all the stuff that we missed, and forgot!! it made me want to do it all over again as it was a great day.
Thanks so much for all your work you did. We greatly appreciate it and now have a wonderful keepsake thanks to you!"

Monday, May 25, 2009

Busy Weekend!

Back to work after after a hectic weekend, culminating in the Sanctuary Golf Resort's Bridal fair in Bunbury which was bigger and better this year.

Besides meeting the many future brides and grooms, it was a great opportunity to mix with the other wedding service providers beyond the usual quick hi, bye! type of conversation which is all we have time for during a wedding!

There are three weddings in the editing system as of today: two of them are 90% complete but waiting for material or action from the couples concerned. The third I will finish today or tomorrow and then start the next one. That's why there wasn't been a clip posted for a while. I like to wait until the couple has seen their DVD before putting their highlights up.
